by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Brother Alois of the Taizé community recently shared this prayer for the people of Ukraine:
“Risen Christ, as we remain in silence before you, we let this ardent prayer rise up: may the firing of weapons in the land of Ukraine cease! Welcome into your love those who are dying from violence and war, console the families in mourning, support those who have had to take the road of exodus. Faced with incomprehensible suffering, we still believe that your words of love and peace will never pass. You gave your life on the cross and you opened a future for us, even beyond death. So we implore you: give us your peace. You are our hope.”
We continue to hope in God and to pray for, and support, the people of Ukraine. This Wednesday’s Prayer and Potluck (April 6th at 6:00 pm) will feature A Service of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine. It will include music, readings, and a beautiful litany for peace. Bring a dish to share and your plates and utensils for the potluck to follow.
Also – Messy Church is almost here. Sunday, April 10 (4:00 – 6:00 pm) we will be launching the first Messy Church experience. This is a different type of church experience that includes a welcome, crafts and activities based on the theme, a brief service of stories and song and a meal. It’s for everyone: families and kids ages 0-100. Here’s how you can be involved:
Visit for more information or contact Sue Van Oss.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957