by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Praying together. In the past two years of pandemic, we have experienced some creative ways of praying together. We had recorded worship services that could be accessed with the click of a button. We prayed together on Zoom. We improved the livestream worship experience so that those attending online can participate as fully as possible. We discovered online prayer and worship offerings at places like Canterbury Cathedral.
There is power in praying together. Even when I am praying morning prayer or compline privately at home, I know that there are others throughout the world praying the same prayers, reading the same psalms and other scripture readings, lifting up the same concerns (like praying for peace in Ukraine). When we celebrate the Eucharist, we are joining with Christians throughout the world. We hear the same scriptures. We all receive the gifts of bread and wine that have become the body and blood of Christ. We are knit together as one body; the Body of Christ.
There is power in praying together. We have a wonderful opportunity to pray together this week as we celebrate World Day of Prayer here at St. Michael’s. The theme of this year’s celebration is based on these words from the prophet Jeremiah: “I know the plans I have for you.” The service begins at 10:30 a.m. and will be followed by a social hour in the parish hall. We will be five local congregations joining people of faith throughout the world for a time of unity and prayer. I know it will be a powerful experience.
This weekend, we are welcoming Bishop Brian Prior for our parish retreat. Bishop Brian will be preaching at the services this weekend and also offering a Wednesday evening Lent Forum at 6:00 pm (on the 30th). Brian will be reflecting on signs of hope that he sees as he travels around the church engaging in various ministries, and he will also give a preview of the upcoming General Convention this summer in Baltimore. This forum is on Zoom only, and the link can be found here:
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957