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For more information about each ministry and individual contact information, please email or call the church office.

A glimpse at some of the many outreach projects:

Outreach Committee

The mission of St. Michael's Outreach Committee is to identify areas of need within the wider community to which the parish may respond corporately and where individual parishioners may share their time, talents, and treasure. The Outreach Ministry allocates the Outreach Funds in the Church budget and delivers in-kind gifts from the parish. It supports and encourages volunteering at the supported agencies. Food, diaper and toiletry drives are held during the year, and a Christmas Angel Tree is another of our Outreach Ministries.  The Congregation is unfailingly generous.  The Matthew 25 Fund’s income is for outreach beyond the Parish budget, e.g. for a start-up program, a disaster need, a special one-time boost to an agency. Parishioners may contribute to the Endowment component or to the current programs or to both.

Contact:  Jerry Davenport & Sue Sterrett

List of Services

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