Here at St. Michael's we work together to care and support each other and the surrounding community as we spread God's love. There are many opportunities to get involved, we have divided our ministries into six categories. Click on each photo to explore how you can share your gifts and talents!
Altar Guild
Eucharistic Ministers
Flower Guild
Greeters & Ushers
Prayer and Potluck
Prayers of the People
Sacred Dance
Angels on the Go
Card Ministry
Eucharistic Visitors
Funeral Receptions
Healing Ministry
Parish Nurse
Pastoral Care Team
Prayer Chain Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Shuttle Bus
Outreach Team
CCMI Soup Kitchen
Grant Committee
Noah's Ark Thrift Shop
S Ft Myers Food Pantry
Digital Ministry Team
Finance Committee
History and Archives
Hurricane Preparedness Team
Madden Education Fund
Memorial Garden
Ministries & Facilities Trust
Office volunteers
Planned Giving
Public Relations
Technology Committee
Christian Formation Team
Sunday School
Adult Formation
Vacation Bible School
Art Committee
Episcopal Church Women
Men's Fellowship
Mix and Mingle
Welcome Ministry
Prayer and Potluck
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957