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Messy Church is Simply Fun, Faith & Food

Once a month - Third Sunday from 4pm-6pm

located @ Saint Michael's, Sanibel

Whether you're single or partnered, young or old, tidy or messy, have questions or doubts, are filled with joy or struggling with life, you will be welcomed at Messy Church - it's church like you've never see it before.

Messy Church is welcoming, interactive and inter-generational.

If you have attended church in the past, Messy Church may not look like church to you.

If you've only heard about what church is like, you will be surprised!  At Messy Church, all ages meet together to have faith filled fun through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling.

A foundational ingredient of Messy Church is to gather around a table for a meal and build relationships with each other, God, and the world.

Messy Church is made up of an encouraging, warm welcome, with several themed activity stations that all ages visit to engage in crafts, activities, and games, then a brief celebration time and concluding with eating dinner together.  “Messy church is not just an activity a church hosts, it is a philosophy of what the church should be. We want every person, no matter their age or situation in life to know that they are beloved by God.” 

Email Sue Van Oss for more information.

Maari Simcox shares her thoughts on

Messy Church:

Messy Church Photos

August 14, 2022

  • To provide an opportunity for people of all ages to worship together in new ways

  • To help people of all ages feel they are beloved by God and belong in church

  • To help people have fun and be creative together

  • To introduce Jesus through hospitality, friendship, stories and worship

Messy Church Values

All Ages Together

Every element is relevant and accessible for adults and children to enjoy together


Hands-on activities are used to explore Bible stories, to reflect a God of imagination and to give people a chance to play and create together.


Song and story reflects a God of joy who wants all of God’s people to have life in all its fullness


Helps people to encounter Jesus who loves all, no exceptions


Reflects a God of unconditional love by providing an oasis of welcome & food to nourish body and soul
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