For more information about each ministry and individual contact information, please email or call the church office.
Volunteers stay after the worship service and count the donations that are given to support the work of the church.
Contact: Pat Norton
Today's "church" is not just a physical building, but a community and at St. Michael's that community is online as well as in person. Livestreamed services, Bible studies and meetings held via zoom are a few examples of our digital offerings. Volunteers help monitor our online gatherings and provide technical support to parishioners
Contact: Sue Van Oss
This committee oversees the annual budget of the parish and oversees the financial operations.
Contact: Chuck Ketterman
Volunteers maintain and preserve the historical photos and records of the parish.
Contact: Don Adams
Volunteers monitor possible storms that might impact the church property and prepare the buildings when needed as storms approach.
Click here for Tropical Prepardeness infomation.
Contact: Chuck Sterrett
Volunteers accept applications, make decisions on recipients and monitor the status of funds that go towards higher education for young people who are part of the parish.
Contact: Betsy McCullough
This final resting place for members of St. Michael's and their immediate families is maintained with the funds generated by payment of internment sites. The committee oversees the maintenance of the property in perpetuity and maintain the records pertinent to the garden.
Click here to download a Memorial Gardens Brochure.
Contact: Lee Almas
The Saint Michael and All Angels Ministries and Facilities Trust was established in January 2003 for the purpose of holding and administering the Church’s endowment.The Trust is governed by three voting trustees and two non-voting trustees. The three voting trustees are appointed by the rector for staggered three-year terms, and approved by the vestry. The voting trustees cannot be members of the vestry. The two non-voting trustees are the rector (ex officio) and a vestry member appointed by the rector. The total assets of the Trust include both financial and real estate holdings.
Contact: Chuck Ketteman
Volunteers assist the Office Manager in tasks such as answering the phones, greeting visitors, assembling bulletins and other special projects.
Contact: Susan Gonzalez
Planned Giving provides opportunities for parishioners and others with the means of providing long term funding in perpetuity for the Church, enabling it to carry on its programs, create new programs and initiatives, and maintain the Parish buildings and properties. Gifts may be made as part of one’s annual charitable giving, in honor and memory of a family member or friend, or through a planned gift such as a bequest or a remainder trust.
Click here to download a Planned Giving Brochure.
Contact: Fr. Bill Van Oss
The property committee helps to maintain the buildings of the campus and foresee maintenance issues to ensure the longevity of the campus.
Contact: Chuck Sterrett
It is important we communicate our message of God's love to the community and world. This is done through local newspapers and online publications and connections with the local chamber and other agencies.
Contact: Sue Van Oss
Stewardship is really a way of life - a year-round theology of how we live our lives - interacting and caring for one another, for our environment, and for this parish of St. Michael’s. God has given us many blessings and stewardship is about thanksgiving. When we offer thanksgiving in the way of time, talent and treasure, we become empowered to participate even more in what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
For the Vestry to plan realistic operating budgets, it’s extremely helpful to know parishioner financial commitments ahead of time through submitting a pledge card.
Contact: Sue Sterrett & Susie Wilson
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957