In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly called by God into God’s family, which we call the Church, and given God’s own life to share as a reminder that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. Holy Baptism, is a sacrament that all people of any age are welcome to receive; we welcome adults who have not been baptized and parents who seek baptism for their child.
One does NOT need to be a member of the parish to be baptized. When a child or infant is baptized, the parents and sponsors present the candidate for baptism and make promises to bring the child up in the Christian faith and life.
Baptism can be regarded as the beginning of a spiritual path and not the culmination of one. It is the the start of a journey of faith and discovery into the way, truth and life of Jesus Christ.
If you are new to the Episcopal Church and have already been baptized in another denomination, you may wish to renew your faith life; this is called a reaffirmation of your baptismal vows. Wherever you come from and whatever your faith background, the Episcopal Church welcomes you!