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We're so glad you are here!

Wherever you are in life; there is a place for you here at St. Michael's.

God is Love!

Welcome to St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church – where

all people are respected and valued.

When you enter through our doors, you can expect to be greeted by people who are glad to meet you. No matter your age, race, gender, orientation, faith background, or political views, we invite you to join our community and share God's abundant grace. Children are welcome: Your entire family is welcome. All members of your family, regardless of age, may participate in the service.  We have a children's chapel on the first Sunday of the month for preschoolers-elementary age, but children are also welcome to stay in church with their parents.

We also encourage you to explore our website to learn more about us, our many ministries where opportunities for learning, shared compassion, and friendship abound -  then let's get connected!

So, you’re curious - maybe you have driven by and wondered what's inside that big, beautiful wood building. Maybe you are looking for a place to worship. Maybe you want your child to be raised in a church community. Maybe you are tired of all the negativity, fear and hate in the world. Maybe you have a heart for social justice. Maybe you've been hurt by churches before. Maybe you think Christians are hypocritical. Maybe..... 

Just maybe one of these might sound familiar. If so, know that the beauty of St. Michaels's is not just in the building itself; it's that all are welcome and feel at home! Our worship is centered on relevant sermons that speak to your life and music that uplifts. We offer faith formation  opportunities for children, youth and adults in all life stages. We serve in the community and the world. Our doors are open. Come, walk through and experience it!

Monthly Newsletter

Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter via email or postal service?  We'd be happy to add you to the list, just click here.

Weekly Email Update

Each Friday we send out an email with a video and written message from our Rector, the links to online offerings and worship services and announcements.  Click here to be added to the list.


Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe to view video messages and many playlists with programs, reflections,  musical offerings and more.   Archived livestream services can be found here.

A look back at 2024:

A look back at 2023:

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