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When you walk through our  doors....

It can be a little intimidating walking into a church for the first time. Maybe you are new in town, or maybe it’s just been a long time since you’ve been to church, or maybe you have never been to an Episcopal church at all....

At Saint Michael and All Angels

You will feel welcomed:  We extend a warm and unconditional invitation to you to worship with us. “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You,” and we mean it; whether you are just visiting in town, or searching for a community that will embrace you as you are.

You will not be embarrassed:  When you visit St. Michael's, you will be welcomed with a smile and simple greeting. You will not be singled out in any way, nor asked to stand before the congregation and introduce yourself. You will worship God with us. Should you wish to know more about St. Michaels’s or the Episcopal Church, the clergy, greeters, and members will gladly answer your questions.

Children are welcome:  Your entire family is welcome. All members of your family, regardless of age, may participate in the service. We have a children’s church for preschoolers-elementary age, but children are also welcome to stay in church with their parents. 

When you enter our church:  Greeters will welcome you and provide you with a booklet called a bulletin that will assist you in following along with the service. It lists the songs, page numbers and special prayers that will be used during the service.

The Service:  A celebration of the Holy Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving” in Greek. We give thanks for what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. It is also known as Holy Communion, because in it we commune with God and also with each other as the Body of Christ.  All are welcome to receive communion at the table of the Lord.

The Sacraments:  Baptism, marriage, anointing and celebration of life sacraments are available and are open to ALL.

Learn more about what worship looks, feels and sounds like here.

A look back at 2024:

A look back at 2023:

2022 Year in Review:

Presiding Bishop Curry's Special Message to St. Michael's:

What You Can Expect

to be respected

In the Episcopal church, leadership (clergy and lay) is open to all people, regardless of gender, sexual identity or orientation. You are loved; no exceptions.

What we believe

to be welcomed

Our services are welcoming, family-friendly and accessible to call.  Come celebrate God's grace with us. Please join us for socials after our services as well.

Worship Services

to be inspired

We want our message to be relevant to your daily life.  Each weekend, we want you to feel you gained something by spending time with our community.


to be engaged

We care about each other and work to support each other and those around us both near and far. Outreach is a hallmark of our life together.

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