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A look back at the history

of St. Michael & All Angels

Spreading the message of God's unconditional love

A History of St. Michael and All Angels

Visiting Episcopal priests conducted services in homes and at various Sanibel Island locations until the 1950's when the closest Episcopal services were at St. Luke’s in Fort Myers.  

In 1957 islanders asked St. Luke’s for help establishing services on Sanibel in the winter months. Thomas Madden, on leave to St. Luke’s, obliged and on February 6, 1958 he started celebrating services at various Island locations. In September St. Michael & All Angels became a Mission of the Diocese of South Florida.  The Episcopal Church Women (ECW)  organized fund raisers and in 1960 opened a thrift shop on a hotel porch. Meanwhile Fr. Madden's Eucharistic services with traditional liturgy and quality music formed a foundation still practiced today.

Architect Gustel Kiewitt contributed architectural services for a church building which was completed Palm Sunday, 1961. It included a small apartment for the Vicar. September, 1962, Fr. Madden made Saint Michael’s the first church in the diocese and one of the first in Florida to be racially integrated. He retired in 1971 and Fr. James Hubbs became Vicar. In 1974 the resale shop, now called Noah’s Ark, was expanded and parishioners' persistence paid off when Saint Michael’s was granted status as a self-sustaining parish. Four years later a Parish Hall was added followed by a new pipe organ. The new Book of Common Prayer came into use and lay men and women became scripture readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers.

Fr. Hubbs left in 1986 and Fr. Bill Dodd was called. He and his family moved into the newly purchased rectory.  A capital campaign enabled expanding worship space, cutting a road to relieve traffic congestion, creating a new Noah’s Ark building which was expanded five years later, and the purchase of a new organ. In 1993 a Columbarium and Memorial Garden were added and the ECW crafted needlepoint altar rail cushions. Saint Michael’s helped lead development of subsidized housing on Sanibel, and the establishment of Iona Hope Mission in Fort Myers. Fr. Dodd retired in 1999 and Fr. Purvis was made Interim Priest. The greeters program was established at this time.

Fr. Donald Fishburne started in January, 2001. He focused on more lay participation and organized the Church into a system of commissions, one being Parish Growth which included the Greeter’s Ministry and Suppers For Six to help parishioners become better acquainted with one another. Rev. Suzy Post was employed as Associate Rector from 2002-2007. In 2003 the Flower Guild, the first in the Diocese, and Adult Forums, which included interfaith studies, were started. Blessing of the Animals began and further facility improvements were made. An Outreach Commission, supplementing the work of Noah’s Ark, undertook a Habitat home building project, and a Men’s Ministry embracing bi-weekly meetings and an annual retreat were established in 2005. A church bus to bring Shell Point residents to services was contributed, an annual newcomers event was established and lay led Wednesday evening services were started.  In 2006 the first Parish Nurse was employed and visiting theologians from Great Britain lived in the church apartment and enriched Church programs. 

Rev. Dr. Ellen M. Sloan joined us at St. Michael's in 2009. She focused on congregational development, strengthened pastoral care, and created a holistic approach to the extensive outreach efforts of the parish.  Numerous capital improvement and congregational projects were undertaken: Renovation and Renewal of the Campus, Catastrophic and Renewal, Spiritual Development, Beautification of the Campus, and Outside Music Musicians and Concerts. The donation to the Renovation and Renewal Fund resulted in the major renovation of the Sacristy, Sunday School, Madden Room, Flower Guild Room, restrooms and Gathering Place - completed and dedicated in 2017 – as well as the new office building project recently completed. A Strategic Planning Process for the parish was undertaken in 2015/16 which resulted in Vision and Mission Statements, as well as in Core Belief Principles. The Vestry was proud to complete all action items in the subsequent three to four years. Also, during her tenure, Youth Ministries and Vacation Bible School were started, the Healing Ministry at St. Michael’s was expanded and Morning Prayer returned. Other new ministries included Taizé services, a Sacred Dancers Ministry, Women at the Well Spirituality Group, Beach Eucharists, and an annual series of lectures and concerts called "Nourishment of Body, Mind and Spirit.”  Along with the History and Archives Ministry, Ellen encouraged the establishment of an annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Event . After ten years as Rector of St. Michael’s, Ellen retired in September 2019 to spend more time with family.

The Rev. William (Bill) Van Oss was called to Saint Michael and All Angels in July, 2020.  Given the health risks to our congregation during the dangerous 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, in-person worship and ministry meetings were already suspended prior to his arrival.  Fr. Bill quickly worked to establish diverse virtual programs as alternative ways to stay connected with parishioners by embracing ministry and worship opportunities online, introducing small group gatherings that adhered to CDC guidelines in-person, and developing outdoor Worship Services to conduct when safe.  In collaboration with the new Digital Ministry team, Fr. Bill greatly expanded the worship and social offerings online to complement our traditional services when they return.  Even though these are challenging times, Fr. Bill and the Vestry will oversee the approved and fully funded church office building work, resulting in extensive physical improvement changes to the church property in 2021.

On September 28, 2022 Hurricane Ian unleashed it's fury on Sanibel Island and Southwest Florida and St. Michael's sustained extensive damage from storm surge and wind.  Almost six feet of water inundated the buildings which were not able to be reached for several weeks due to the collapse of the causeway bridge linking the island to the mainland.  After missing just one weekend of services, the church found a temporary home at Peace Lutheran Church in Fort Myers who opened their doors from October 2022-July 2023. 

A sixteen month restoration project began immediately and in April 2023 and All Angels Capital Campaign to restore the buildings restulted in over $2 million being raised in 3 weeks, a testament to the dedication of many to the mission and ministry of St. Michael's.  In July 2023 the Noah's Ark Thrift Shop building, which was the first building repaired became the home of The Gathering Place that housed worship services, staff offices, and a meeting place for several other displaced nonprofits.  

The sanctuary and main buildings were restored and opened for Christmas 2023 when joyous services were held with gratefulness for the workers who had labored so hard for many months to reopen our beautiful spiritual home. 

January 29, 2025

Celebration of the church rededication and blessing of the new bell tower by Bishop Scharf

Watch the Rededication Service Video Rededication Service Bulletin View Rededication Photos

Videos of St. Michael & All Angels History

St. Michael's 1960-2000

St. Michael's 2000-2020

Chapel of the Angels    

Several years ago when an addition was added to the back of the sanctuary a beautiful stained glass window, depicting the nine choirs of angels, was installed on the new rear wall under the choir loft.

The window went largely unnoticed and unappreciated until the area began to be used as a small chapel for special services.

The window now serves as the focal point behind the altar in the Chapel of the Angels. It visually symbolizes the words of the hymn by J. Athelstan Riley, “Ye watchers and ye holy ones, Bright seraphs, cherubim, and thrones, Raise the glad strain, Alleluia! Cry out, dominions, princedoms, powers, Virtues, archangels, angels’ choirs, Alleluia…”

Stained Glass Window Brochure

Artwork by Sculptor Don Drumm

Ohio based artist Don Drumm is one of Saint Michael's many seasonal members. Over the years he has given Saint Michael's numerous religious work of art. Several of his innovative cast aluminum bas-relief sculptures, featuring Christian symbols, adorn the walls of the Parish Hall. The church choir wears Celtic crosses designed and cast in pewter by Drumm.

His latest gift to the church are two eight foot painted steel sculptures which are being installed on the church grounds in areas that will be landscaped with drought resistant native plants and shrubbery. One of the sculptures is of St. Francis. The church upholds the annual tradition of the Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St. Francis.

The second sculpture, which is similar in style and equally whimsical, is a contemporary depiction of Noah’s Ark complete with Noah and his entourage of animals, lightening, and a rainbow. It will be located next to Saint Michael's well-known Noah’s Ark Thrift Shop where shoppers and churchgoers alike can enjoy it at the rear of the church property.

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