For more information about each ministry and individual contact information, please email or call the church office.
A group of volunteers are on call to provide services like transportation, meals, minor home repairs, changing lightbulbs, packing and painting.
Contact: Jerry Davenport
Volunteers write cards to those who are ill, in the hospital, experiencing loss or new joys like the birth of a child or wedding to ensure that everyone feels loved and supported.
Contact: Carol Chaveas
Lay volunteers deliver the sacrament of communion to those who are home bound and unable to attend services.
Contact: Fr. Bill Van Oss
A light meal or snacks are provided for the family and friends who attend a funeral. It is served in the parish hall by volunteers.
Contact: Mickey Huff
Volunteers offer prayers of healing for yourself or someone you know or in thanksgiving for blessings received. They are available to pray with people after communion during the Sunday services in the memorial gardens.
Our parish nurse is a health counselor regarding wellness and prevention of disease and illness; a health educator promoting the relationship between faith, health and lifestyle choices through articles and programs; an advocate in helping members make informed medical decisions; a liaison between members and appropriate resources in the community; and an integral member of the health ministry team facilitating a holistic approach to healing through presence and prayer.
Click here for Covid-19 Resources.
Contact: Wendy Warner RN
The Pastoral Care Ministry provides comfort and support to parishioners in many ways. In addition to arranging and dispensing flowers to shut-ins, the sick or sorrowing following the weekend services, cards are sent to people in times of illness, anniversaries, or life events. Songfests provide entertainment to parishioners and friends at Shell Point a couple times a year. This team includes our volunteer shuttle drivers, certified Eucharistic Visitors, and the prayer chain, card and prayer shawl ministries provide other venues for parishioners to involve themselves in pastoral care as well. During hurricane season evacuation lists are revised. Monthly meetings update parishioners’ needs and provide continuous direction to the Pastoral Care Ministry.
With the assistance of our Parish Nurse, the PCM offers many more caring opportunities. For example, CPR courses have been arranged, flu shots offered on site, and Health Forums offer education on a variety of topics. We have also encouraged parishioners to reach out and share holiday dinners with others. The Pastoral Care Ministry is comprised of a strong core group of people as well as several of our adjunct clergy. Click here to download an informational brochure.
Contact: Carol Chaveas
A group of volunteers offer prayers for those who have asked to be prayed for; whether it's for personal prayers or for someone else in need of prayers.
Contact: Betsy McCullough
Knitted prayer shawls to wrap around shoulders or laps, or small hand held ones are lovingly created by volunteers, blessed by the clergy and then distributed to those celebrating joyful occasions like a wedding or birth or adoption of a child, and those in need of comfort during an illness or death of a loved one.
Trained volunteers drive the church shuttle bus to Shell Point to pick up residents and bring them to the Sunday service.
Contact: Chuck Sterrett
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957