by Fr. Bill Van Oss
The services of Holy Week will have a special significance this year. After 2 years of virtual and modified services, we will celebrate Holy Week fully this year. This weekend, Palm Sunday services will include the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, blessing of palms and the reading of the passion according to Luke.
The Maundy Thursday service (5:00 pm) tells the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet and commanding them to “do to others as I have done to you,” to love and serve others in his name. We wash feet at this service in remembrance of what Jesus did. The altar is stripped at the end of the service, and an altar of repose is set up in the Angel Chapel. You are welcome to visit the chapel to reflect and pray anytime Thursday night or Friday morning.
The Good Friday service (noon) is simple, yet profound. It features the passion Gospel according to John and solemn collects and anthems.
The Easter Vigil service (7:00 pm Saturday, April 16th) begins with the lighting of a fire, singing of the Exsultet (the proclamation of Easter), and scripture readings that tell the story of God’s mighty acts through salvation history. We reaffirm our baptismal covenant, sing our alleluias and celebrate the Eucharist. Please note there is no 5:00 pm service on the 16th.
Easter Sunday services will be at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. I get excited just thinking about singing “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” in full churches after the last 2 years.
Holy Week is our opportunity to walk with Jesus from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the last supper table and then to cross and, finally, the empty tomb. It’s about life, death and resurrection, the foundation of our faith. I hope to see you at the services of Holy Week!
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957