by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Feast Day of Saint Michael and All Angels: On Wednesday of this week, we celebrate the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, often referred to as Michaelmas in some parts of the Anglican Communion. In doing some research on the feast, I learned that Michaelmas daisies “are stalwart plants that bring color to the darkening, dried out days of late summer and early fall with cheerful purple flowers.” Interesting…
One of the liturgy resources I use says this about Michael and All Angels: “On this festival day the church ponders the richness and variety of God’s created order and limits of human knowledge of it. The scriptures speak of angels (the word means “messengers”) who worship God in heaven, and in both testaments angels speak for God on earth. They are remembered most vividly as they appear to the shepherds and announce the birth of the Savior. Michael is an angel whose name appears in Daniel as the heavenly being who leads the faithful dead to God’s throne on the day of resurrection. In Revelation, Michael fights in a cosmic battle against Satan.” Sundays and Seasons
Someone asked me recently if I believed in angels, and I replied “absolutely” without hesitating. The person seemed a bit surprised by the immediacy of my response, but I went on to say that I believe angels have served as God’s messengers throughout time, and that they do so today. Think of what the people who received the assistance of our Vaccine Angels experienced. Isolated and frustrated with not being able to make a vaccine appointment, a stranger was willing to get up before dawn to get them an appointment. We have Angels on the Go who help with household projects and transportation. Doctors and nurses working tirelessly to care for the sick are angels… hospice workers and volunteers…
I could go on and on. The point is angels are all around us delivering messages of God’s goodness, care and love through their good deeds, selflessness and concern for others.
Happy Michaelmas!
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through Christ
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