by Fr. Bill Van Oss
I am delighted to report that our redesigned website is now live! I encourage you to check it out. It is the same address as before: but has a new look and new content for our current parishioners and to welcome those who are looking for a church home online. It has been said that church websites are the phone book of the 21st century. Many people who are looking for a church home check out a church’s website first to give them a sense of what the church is like before they ever walk in the doors or watch an online service. Our website is also the place for our current parishioners to go to when looking for information, links to Zoom events, inspiring videos to watch and maybe even read or hear a sermon or two….
The home page has the Sunday worship buttons right at the top, (or on the left side if you are using a phone or tablet) then just scroll down to see my weekly written and video reflections, special events, announcements, recurring meeting zoom links and the calendar. Under each main page are some subpages with additional information, for example under “Home” you can also find pages for the Friday Briefs and Red Door newsletters, Photos and Videos, Special Events and Our History.
The other main pages are:
Many thanks go to Pat Norton and Sue Van Oss for their work redesigning the website over these past several weeks and to Pat for her ongoing dedication and efforts as our volunteer webmaster. Thank you both!
Also – The
next “Porch Visit” with the Rector will be Thursday, September 16th at 8:30 a.m. This is an informal “get to know you” gathering with me and up to 6 parishioners. Contact Susan Gonzalez in the office to reserve a spot.
Peace, Bill+
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957