by Fr. Bill Van Oss
We have two exciting offerings coming up, one this Sunday and the other at the end of the month. This Sunday at 9:30 a.m. our Coffee Hour Forum will feature the Rev. Dr. James Bohler. He will be with us to talk about LIFE (Lee Interfaith for Empowerment). LIFE is a group of diverse congregations and faith communities who come together to pursue justice and compassion for the residents of Lee County. St. Michael’s is a member of LIFE.
The current issues being addressed include affordable housing, mental health and police relations. LIFE has been successful in promoting and supporting an affordable housing trust fund in Lee County. This will help to address one of the most serious issues affecting low income individuals and families in our area: affordable housing.
Come and learn more about LIFE and how you can be involved this Sunday. The forum will be livestreamed. Questions about LIFE can be directed to Anne Kimball.
I am also very excited that we will be having a parish retreat March 25th to the 27th with Bishop Brian Prior. Bishop Brian was my bishop in Minnesota before retiring several years ago. He is a gifted speaker and retreat leader who will focus on “The Road to Emmaus: The Three Day of our Faith Journey.” We will explore the road maps of our faith journeys; where we have traveled thus far, the bumps in the road, and the next steps. The retreat will begin with an opening session and dinner on Friday evening, followed by sessions on Saturday and a wrap up on Sunday morning. You are welcome to attend whatever part(s) of the retreat work for your schedule.
There is no cost to attend, but you need to register so we can plan for meals and supplies. You can register on the home page of our website or by calling or emailing the parish office. Lent is a perfect opportunity to spend some time reflecting on our faith journey and discerning where God is leading us.
Good things are happening at St. Michael’s. Praise God!
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957