by Fr. Bill Van Oss
We will celebrate the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels in a special way on September 29th. We will have a special service at 6:00 pm to mark the 60th anniversary of St. Michael’s becoming racially integrated.
On September 29, 1962 the church held a service that was open to black people as well as white people. Fr. Madden and the leadership of St. Michael’s had decided that there should no longer be separate Sunday school and church services. The church register for that service notes: “services completely integrated first time, separate services discontinued.”
It was a bold decision at the time. No other island churches were integrated. It would be several years before other churches in our diocese, state and nation would take this step. St. Michael’s can be proud of this decision and its lasting impact on our congregation and community.
I believe it is important to remember this occasion and to celebrate it. The church does not always get it right. People have been excluded and hurt, sometimes at the hand of the church’s leaders and as a result of the church’s policies. But there are times that the church gets it right.
Fr. Madden is a shining example of the church getting it right. He felt personally privileged to engage in ministry with people that other churches were very comfortable excluding. Fr. Madden knew that following Jesus and living His Way of Love meant respecting the dignity of every human being as being made in the image and likeness of God. That’s getting it right.
The service will include a presentation by Don Adams on some of the history of St. Michael’s, Fr. Madden, and our state and nation in 1962. Don is a gifted historian and speaker who has prepared a wonderful presentation. Many thanks to him.
The service will be a 6:00 pm on Thursday, September 29th. A light reception will follow. The service will also be livestreamed.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957