by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Dear Friends,
The name of these updates is Moving Forward and indeed that is what we are doing. The Property Restoration Team is in the midst of looking at estimates, awaiting final numbers from insurance and looking at possible design changes within the confines of cost and time that will improve our property. Today some of the members walked through every room and envisioned how best it could function in the future. If you'd like to learn more about the restoration, please come to one of of our remaining Neighborhood Gatherings in person or via zoom. Updates on the restoration are given and there is plenty of time for questions to be asked. Please RSVP by email or phone to the two remaining hosts, both of which still have room and both are handicapped accessible.
• TOMORROW, Thursday, Jan 19 - Cathy & Paul McCarthy (Lexington Country Club)
16420 Millstone Circle #202, FMY 33908
Phone # 914-841-3366
Tuesday, Jan 24 - Susie Wilson (Gulf Harbor)
11460 Osprey Landing Way, FMY 33908
Phone # 914-261-8025
Thursday, Jan 26 and Tuesday Jan 31 - ZOOM
(Link will be sent out closer to the time)
Beach Clean Up- a group of parishioners have been helping people restore their properties and restore our island. The next opportunity to help is a beach clean up; picking up all the dead fish from the red tide several weeks ago. It will be this Saturday starting at 8am. Meet at the Brown residence at 3819 W. Gulf (carpooling is recommended) if you'd like to help out and bring gloves, a 5 gallon bucket and grabbers. There will be many other opportunities as well coming up.
Sanibel Update- The island is certainly coming back to life; especially in the past week, with more residents returning to check on their property and work on restoring it. A few more businesses are opening as well. And the update from yesterday's city council meeting highlighted progress on many fronts. Here are a few highlights:
1) Curfew changing to midnight to 6 a.m. with checkpoints at discretion of Chief Dalton.
2) Recommend all get debris to right-of-way by Feb 20, after that date, property owners will be responsible for paying for debris removal
3) Feb 1 Recreation Center membership comes back.
4) After a lot of pressure put on USPS, the good news is postal service will be returning to Sanibel much sooner than late summer. Two mobile units are expected to be delivered by Friday 1/20 and will be set up like Fort Myers Beach with one as post office other for retail.
5) Most City offices are returning to City Hall building as of yesterday. MacKenzie Hall is not ready, still being remediated. Building & Planning Depts also still operating from 6200 Whiskey Creek, Ft Myers,
Hope to see you at a neighborhood gathering;
6) Beach update - Goal is to reopen two beaches in early Feb: Tarpon Beach & Blind Pass. Large debris removal continues followed by volunteer cleanups. Beach raking (Lee County assistance). Looking to accomplish at grade pedestrian access points & temporary fencing at those access points.
Chart with beaches designed green, yellow, or red based on condition:
Tarpon Beach – green with Feb opening expected.
Blind Pass Beach – green with also with Feb opening, portable restroom only.
Gulfside City Park – yellow with March opening, limited each access.
Bowman’s Beach – yellow with mid-March opening, limited beach access.
Boat Ramp – yellow with mid-March/April opening.
Lighthouse Park – red – no schedule.
Turner Beach – red – no schedule.
I hope to see you at one of the remaining Neighborhood Gatherings or on zoom in the next two weeks.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957