by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Dear Friends,
A wonderful spirit at Peace Church yesterday. It was great to see so many people coming together for prayer, worship and fellowship. The spirit of St. Michael's remains good in spite of us being displaced. I am also pleased to report that the Hurricane Relief Fund has surpassed $100,000 in donations. Vestry will be making decisions about how to spend these funds on our rebuilding, our parishioners in need and the community.
Starting next Sunday, please enter Peace using the Fellowship Hall Doors and remain in the hall until their service ends and Peace folks have had a chance to leave the narthex area. This will eliminate the congestion in that area and the noise of people coming in and disrupting the end of their service.
Wendy is coordinating the placing of phone calls to all our parishioners to see how people are doing and get updated mailing and email addresses. We have divided up the parish into groups of 20; if you are able to make some calls, please contact Wendy and she can email you the information.
Messy Church is returning November 13! Thanks to all our volunteers who are willing to jump back in and provide a faithfilled, fun experience for the families who are undergoing so many challenges in their lives.
Lots going on this week at St. Michael's Mainland:
Tuesday, November 1 Prayer Shawl Ministry via zoom
Wednesday, November 2 is a big day at our temporary home! It starts with 9am
Eucharist, then our staff and clergy meeting at 10am, followed by 11:30am-3:00pm
Office Hours for you to stop in and say hi and meet with any staff member.
Then it's the return of our monthly Prayer and Potluck- the Hubbard's are hosting Brat Night! If you didn't RSVP, we will have extras, so plan on joining in for the brief
prayer service at 6pm planned by Suzy Post, followed by the
potluck at 6:30pm. Please note that the refrigerator at Peace is not working, so if you have something that needs to stay cold, please bring it in a cooler, or in a pan with ice underneath your dish.
Thursday November 3, Bible Study via zoom at 10am and Thursday Compline via zoom 6:00pm
Friday, November 4 10:00am in person “After The Storm - Taking Care of Ourselves and Each Other”
Housing: Please email or text: 703-966-9474 If you have need of accommodations for a night or two or three while you check on your home or have a place to offer for a few nights. KC (Kara) Cuscaden is heading the effort for more long term housing. Please contact Deborah Larson and information will be relayed to KC.
Tonight's city of Sanibel briefing was cancelled. Please note the city changed it's mind and now is allowing Sanibel residents and private contractors with appropriate hurricane pass on island Mondays and Tuesdays as well as the rest of the week from 6am-9pm. They will attempt to close certain roads instead of the whole island so the debris removal can continue.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957