by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Dear Friends,
Today was our midweek Wednesday "Peace" day; we started with Eucharist at 9am, then had our staff and clergy meeting and then offered open office hours from 11:30am-3:00pm. I encourage you to come to the midweek service and/or stop in to see us during our office hours. We are located in the Jericho Room off the Fellowship Hall; just come to the main set of doors and ring the doorbell to be let in.
This afternoon our Senior Warden Bob Syversen, and his wife Joanne came with me to the church property to see firsthand the removal and drying processes. He was amazed at the progress made in just the first 9 days of the restoration company having equipment and crews on site. More photos will be shared in the Friday brief so you can see what is happening. Please continue to pray for the safety of the crew who is working very hard, as one person sustained an injury. They are carefully removing all the effected contents and salvaging what they can; which unfortunately is not a large amount due to the high water level that occurred in the buildings.
Thursday, October 27: 10:00am Bible Study IS CANCELLED TOMORROW. I will be meeting with the CFO of the Diocese and a representative from FEMA, along with Chuck Ketteman who is working on our insurance situation.
Thursday Compline via zoom 6:00pm Zoom Meeting
ID: 83587572066
Phone-in (no video): 1-646-931-3860 Enter Meeting ID: 835 8757 2066
Friday, October 28 10:00am at Peace Lutheran Church “After The Storm - Taking Care of Ourselves and Each Other”
Join us for a gathering, and support time where we can share and listen to each other. Please come and share your story in a safe, trusting prayerful place. We have offered this opportunity to gather to member of Peace Church and you are welcome to bring someone you know who might find comfort from gathering as well.
Saturday October 29 Interfaith Prayer Vigil
at 10am at Fort Myers Christian Church - outdoors, 5916 Winkler Road, Ft Myers, 33919. Join us as we gather our community together for a time of prayer and healing. All are welcome!
Wednesday November 2, 2022. Prayer and Potluck Returns 6pm at Peace. PLEASE RSVP by October 30 so we know how many brats to purchase. You can do so by emailing, calling the office at 239-472-2173 or signing up at coffee hour next weekend.
St. Michael's Hurricane Relief Fund- Thanks to all who have contributed and/or spread the word about the fund. A reminder to please write checks out to St. Michael and All Angels and then put Hurricane Relief in the memo line. The St. Michael's United in Love Hurricane Relief Fund online or text SMAA IAN to 73256 (SMAA*space*IAN)
Housing: If you HAVE a spare room in your home, please provide your Name, Address, contact email and cell number and size of space and number of persons you can accommodate. Also, please state whether you will allow pets and how you feel about smokers. If you NEED temp housing, Please state your name, contact email and cell, the number of people in your group and approximately what your anticipated length of stay. (We realize that this will be difficult to estimate, but best guess will be fine.) Please email to or please text to : 703-966-9474 If you have need of accommodations for a night or two or three while you check on your home. Please text or email Deborah Larson. or text :703-966-9474 KC (Kara) Cuscaden will be heading the effort for more long term housing. Please contact Deborah Larson and information will be relayed to KC.
Information and Resources from tonight's city briefing:
It was a lengthy 2 hour City Briefing tonight with lots of information on the 50% rule and from FEMA. Please go to to watch the recording if you are a Sanibel resident with property damage.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957