by Fr. Bill Van Oss
The October/November edition of the Red Door is out! You should have received it in your email inbox or through the mail. Please contact Susan Gonzalez in the office if you did not receive it.
Please take some time to read this latest Red Door. When you do, you will see that we have a lot of exciting things going on, including:
-A series entitled “Re-Discovering the Episcopal Church.” This Episcopal 101 series is intended for those who are new(er) to The Episcopal Church and anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of the faith. It will be held Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm on Zoom. You can find the link in this Friday Brief.
-Rev. Alan has taken over leadership of our Healing Ministry and will begin meetings that include a book discussion this month.
-One of our newer parishioners will lead A Simple Shell Project on Saturday, November 6th at 1:00 pm. This will be a great opportunity to “Come – Connect- Laugh-Heal.” Who doesn’t need that?
This is just a small sampling of some of the things coming up in October and November. Be sure to thoroughly read the Red Door for details on these offerings and many, many more.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957