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The Gathering Place

The Gathering Place is the temporary home of St. Michael's until the restoration of the main buildings is complete. Once that happens, Noah's Ark will return as well. There are large spaces for worship services, socials, and meetings.  There is also a “comfort corner” set up with comfy chairs, games, a basket of motivational quotes, shells to color, and just a space to “be" for islanders to stop in out of the heat, and relax for a few minutes. 


In addition, St. Michael's has partnered with F.I.S.H., the social service agency on the island who is providing a Resiliency Hub offering several services for island residents on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am-5pm. They meet with clients and offer mental health services, long term disaster relief and additional help in the comfort of an air conditioned building; something they do not currently have at their location.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays Santiva Islanders (formerly Island Seniors), is operating out of The Gathering Place will a full schedule of classes, activities and a coffee bistro from 10am-3pm. 


Rev. Bill Van Oss, Rector of St. Michael's shared,  "In the first weeks after the hurricane we quickly realized that besides so many losing their possessions, their homes, cars and belongings, they also had lost a sense of community, of gathering - since there was no place to gather on the island and so many were displaced. Once we found out our Noah's Ark Thrift Shop could be repaired fairly quickly from it's extensive damage, we decided to temporarily open it as The Gathering Place, not just for St. Michael's to use, but to open it to the community as a space to come and be together, where everyone belongs and feels welcome."


The main church building also sustained heavy damage from 5 1/2 feet of water surge and wind damage. The stained glass windows and walls of the sanctuary miraculously survived, but the flooring and foundation was damaged due to the hydrostatic pressure underneath. Work has begun in earnest and continues on a daily basis to restore the sanctuary and accompanying buildings.  In the meantime, The Gathering Place @ St. Michael's is fully operational as their spiritual home and home for all on the island.   Sue Van Oss, Director of Communication remarked that  "St. Michael's was founded in 1960 with a strong sense of welcoming and inclusion of all. We continue that legacy of hospitality by providing The Gathering Place for all to come and be welcomed, be loved and belong." 

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