by Fr. Bill Van Oss
As a way to stay connected with parishioners near and far and to get to know one another a little better, we will be having “Summer Church Chats” on Zoom this summer. Check out the detailed article in this Brief and in the upcoming summer edition of the Red Door for the dates and topics.
Church Chats will be the second Monday of each month at 1:00 pm and the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. The Zoom link can be found in the Brief. The first Chat will be this Monday, June 13 at 1:00 pm. The topic is: what is your favorite recipe/meal and why? What was your grandparents or parents signature dish?
Hope to see you on Zoom!
Messy Church is happening this Sunday, June 12th. If you know a person or family who is looking for a welcoming, creative, fun, interactive church experience be sure to invite them. You could offer to join them as a way of enticing them to try it.
And mark you calendar for the 4th of July on Sanibel. St. Michael’s will have a float in the parade. We will be service ice cream at the church following the parade. We will also be part of the Sanibel-Captiva Road Rally - Sanibel’s longest-running 4th of July event- in the afternoon.
We have entered the bus so that we can fill it with happy parishioners who want to help solve puzzle clues while following a prescribed driving course around the Island. Fun for everyone, so hop on the bus, driven by our cruise director Chuck! Seating is limited to 14 people so please sign up with Sue Van Oss.
Finally, we are looking for 3-4 Flower Coordinators to oversee the delivery of the altar flowers to homebound after the Sunday service. The job is pretty simple. The Flower Coordinator divides the Altar arrangement into 3 small vases in the Flower Room. The Flower Coordinator makes sure that any flowers going to Shell Point get to the SP driver. Joyce Crawley, on the bus, has offered to deliver them. The Flower Coordinator also either delivers any remaining flowers, OR gets someone else to deliver, like a neighbor. Often someone from the reception agrees to take a vase to deliver. Please contact Joanne Syverson if you would like to serve as a flower coordinator. This is a wonderful way to be part of our pastoral care ministry.
Lots of things going on this summer at St. Michael’s!
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957