by Fr. Bill Van Oss
I am pleased to announce that my Celebration of a New Ministry (Installation as Rector) will be Saturday, February 12th at 2:00 pm. The service will be followed by a reception. Bishop Smith will be with us that weekend and be presider at the 10:30 service on Sunday. There will not be a 5:00 service on the 12th.
It is so good to be able to begin having social hour after the Saturday service and coffee hour on Sunday. We be having them outdoors in the parking lot this weekend and hope to move them inside to the parish hall beginning next weekend. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board outside the kitchen if you would like to host a social or coffee hour. Please sign up to do that.
I also want to remind you that beginning next Sunday, October 31st, we will have 2 services. Services will be at 8:00 & 10:30 am moving forward. The 10:30 am service will be livestreamed and be followed by coffee hour.
Progress on planting and the parking lot continues to move along nicely. At this point we anticipate the lot will be blocked off until the end of the month. Please continue to enter off Dunlop. The handicapped spots outside the front doors of church are available for parking on Saturday and Sunday.
Finally, Sue Van Oss is recording people sharing “God glimpses.” This is a wonderful project. It is good for us to reflect on times when we have seen God or felt God’s presence in a particularly meaningful way. It might be in nature, or in an encounter with a friend or stranger, or something special that happened to you or that you feel particularly grateful for. Keep your eyes open for glimpses of God and contact Sue if you’d like to share one.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957