by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Important information for Sanibel residents:
Thanks to Wendy Warner who attended the City of Sanibel meeting. She has provided the notes below to assist residents. The key take away from the meeting was that although they are allowing residents with proper identification to arrive via private boats to check on their homes starting tomorrow; it is very dangerous to do so. You need to be in top physical condition, able to climb through and over debris and withstand extreme conditions if you are going to attempt this. It is hazardous boating and on land conditions. All city and county officials emphasized that they do not think it is safe at this time to try and navigate by water to the island and be on the island. This is not just a one day opportunity, it will be daily so consider waiting and hearing from other residents what their experience is attempting this before you do so.
Inspecting the church buildings Although plans were ready for a team to inspect the buildings and attempt to salvage some things, we will not be attempting it at this time. As soon as it is safer to do so, we are ready to go. The distance from where a boat could possibly land and then the team walk to the property is too great and too dangerous. We give thanks to God that as far as we know, no parishioners have died due to the hurricane; we will not put any lives at risk in order to view the damage at this point. We have been getting reports on the property and will be getting the status from the city in the next day. We will be sending out a separate email regarding that very soon. Again, your health and well being is our top concern, so please consider the information below before you make a decision to go to the island.
Notes from Wendy:
Residents attempting to get on island Here are the facts-You can go on island by private boat to a private dock or beach a boat starting October 5 and then daily after that. They are not providing any transportation to or on the island. No one will be allowed to use the public dock. This is at your own risk and it is very dangerous on the island. Curfew starts at 7pm until 7am, you can not stay overnight. You can go in canals, but waterways have lots of debris and channel markers are missing, access to them will be monitored by police or national guard. There will be checkpoints at the entrances to neighborhoods by police and national guard troops. Entry by water is done at your own risk, even the waters getting to the island are full of above and underwater debris that could disable a boat.
Island Conditions The fire chief and several council members who have been on the island reiterated how devastating the damage is and how dangerous the island is right now. The roads currently have sharp objects like nails, glass, alligators and snakes. Roads have one passable lane but that does not mean you will be able to get to your home without climbing over large piles of debris and navigating around other hazards. You should have an up to date tetanus shot as the likelihood you will be injured is high. They suggest, heavy shoes or boots, gloves, bug spray, sunscreen, safety glasses, respirator and even a walking stick for balance on mud, all roads are covered in silt which is like walking on ice. Be aware there is no cell service and if you injured there is no way for them to help you. There are more fatalities after a storm like this than during it.
Information on each property What is very important is they have done a data collection of one structure at a time and have marked each safe, unsafe, limited safe. They have taken on the ground pictures which will show a very different view of structures than the arial photos. They suggested to wait to see the data on structures before deciding if you even want to attempt to come on the island. They hope this will be up tomorrow Tuesday and if not then Wednesday on The worst damage was along East, Middle and West Gulf, where the majority of homes were deemed unsafe. On Wednesday appraisers can go on as long as they are accompanied with someone who has either the hurricane pass or a driver's license with Sanibel address on it. I asked the question if a Sanibel resident was not able to be there (or out of Towner's), would they allow them to go to the structure alone and the answer was they had to work that part out.
Update on recovery efforts: Tomorrow, there is heavier equipment coming tomorrow to clear roads better. Currently, there is a one car lane. Ding Darling staff helped clear down SanCap road. LCEC is bringing trucks. Currently the substation is de energized and many poles down or broken. They are working on water and sewer. Fire station is the first place they are trying to get up. 1 engine is available on island and an ambulance will be arriving once roads are clear. Vehicles on island are restricted and must be approved by city government.
Other important information from the council meeting:
Bridge - Florida DOT and the Army Corp of Engineers are coming up with a plan to fix the causway bridge to allow traffic on and off, not to include parks. The Matlacha bridge is currently being fixed which is a much smaller job. They are working on future ferry service, but for now barges are carrying equipment over.
FEMA At Gladiolus and Bass roads they will be setting up FEMA, place to get help with insurance, to apply for small business loan. It is much easier to apply for FEMA assistance online than wait on the phone.
If you have submitted a FEMA Claim and it is denied or there is a problem with the claim, have you FEMA Claim # available and call Congressman Bryon Donald’s office: 239-252-6225 or 239-599-6033 for assistance, but they can only help after you personally have applied and then been denied or the time frame has expired.
They are working on this and more details to follow. The Army Corps of Engineers Blue Roof section will probably be coming on island to do tarping, but the fire chief emphasized it will be extremely difficult to get tarps on roofs due to the slippery mud surrounding many of the homes, the height of homes and the number of people it takes to get a tarp on a roof.
Your mail is going to 6 Mile Cypress post office, 14651 Ben C Pratt 6 Mile Cypress Pkwy, right down from Sun Harvest, where you can go to pick up mail. As soon as possible submit a change of address form at the post office or online for your temporary housing and then when you have more permanent housing.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957