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Moving Forward Update #38

by Fr. Bill Van Oss

Dear Friends,
Welcome to our renamed restoration updates: Hope Rising. In the first days after the Hurricane, we called them Hurricane Updates, then quickly moved to Moving Forward Updates as we wanted to focus not on the event itself, but the process of recovering from it. Today, we rename it for the final time. It fits with our recent theme of the parish retreat and with our upcoming art event- Hope Rising, as it truly is a time of hope rising for the St. Michael's community. 

Last Sunday we had a very meaningful service commemorating the 60th anniversary of St. Michael's being racially integrated. I encourage you to watch the
special message from our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and watch the service if you were unable to attend. It had beautiful music, prayers, scriptures and a special reflection from Don Adams entitled “St. Michael’s 1962-2022: Inclusiveness Established, Nourished, Upheld.”  Don's talk begins at 33:45 minutes into the service. 

Then we had our Annual Meeting which started off with a
2022 Year in Review video, which made us all realize that 2022 was more than just the hurricane in the life of St. Michael's.  Chuck Ketteman, chair of the Property Restoration Team and I gave information on the status of the buildings. The whole meeting was recorded and can be seen here. 
Within the next few days, after being reviewed by our chancellor, I anticipate signing the contract for FP Restoration Company to repair the Noah's Ark structure, allowing them to start work in a couple weeks. Once repaired it will serve as temporary worship space for services IN ADDITION to our main service at Peace Lutheran. It will also include office space and could be used for community engagement events.  I want to reiterate that we will continue to reside at Peace Lutheran for our Sunday morning service, and other meetings and gatherings. We will be able to use the space at St. Michael's for services at other times and days, for our staff to work together, and to invite the community in. 
Having Ashes on the Go today in the front of St. Michael's solidified the importance of us having a presence on the island.  There was a steady stream of cars, bikes and walkers who came up to receive a moment of blessing and words of encouragement. It was so wonderful to see the parking lot with cars and people standing around conversing with each other. As she walked up, one woman remarked; "this was an answer to my prayers." and another said, "this is what I needed most today."  We will be thinking creatively of how we can use our outdoor space and this temporary indoor space to reach out to the island community and those searching for a spiritual home. If you have any ideas, please let Sue who heads up our community engagement efforts or myself know.   

The structural engineer will be on site tomorrow to further assess the floor issues throughout the main building and we hope to have some answers in the coming weeks so we can determine the next steps with those buildings. There is always hope, we can find it all around us. In the faces of those we encounter, the warm embrace of a loved one, the voice of a stranger, the whisper of God. Hope rising indeed. 
Sanibel Resources:

Highlights from yesterday's City of Sanibel Hurricane Update

Debris Removal Extension– February 20 was to be the last day to put debris to the curb, but after discussion with FDEM (who is paying for the removal), the time is extended to March 1. March 29 is the last day that Crowder Gulf can pickup debris. Waste Management will begin their regular weekly vegetation pick-upon March 13 but will be restricted to the prior maximum weight requirements, bundling, in paper bags. etc
Those still needing help getting debris removed (whether residential or commercial) contact (This is a state program & different contractor from Crowder Gulf).
City Council Election – is Tuesday, March 7. Both precincts are available for in-person voting at the Rec Center that day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Also voters may request absentee ballots (up to 2/25). By Executive Order by Gov DeSantis, ballots also may be forwarded to temporary addresses.
Red Tide - Lee County issued alert that Turner Beach (Captiva) & Sanibel Beaches (Blind Pass & Lighthouse) have evidence of red tide. Go to to sign up or read the full new releases.
Building & Planning Depts – remain in temporary location at 6200 Whiskey Creek Dr, Ft Myers, if you need to visit them in person. Their phone numbers & email addresses on City website still apply. All other departments are back working on the island.
Lighthouse – getting closer to relighting, working with Coast Guard installing LED light & contractor.
Community Park & Playground – reopened today. Thanks to volunteers who helped in cleanup.
Beach Parking Facilities – Tarpon Beach & Blind Pass lots reopened 2/4. The next target date goal is 3/6 for Gulfside City Park, Bowman’s Beach, & City Boat Ramp (not beach area). Boat ramp area still being shared with contractor that is cleaning up waterways/canals).
Causeway Traffic – Steady increase, many contractors. ~5,500 vehicles coming across daily. Getting on the island in the morning and off in the evening is like a normal high season day!
Site Work & Landscape Restoration - Natural Resources Director Holly Milbrandt asks that if you are in doubt with what to plant to call them, 472-3700. Permits are required for any mangrove work, or in beach dune area, or on vacant parcels. Also 75% native vegetation is required (that means 75% trees, shrubs, ground cover). They have noticed many pitch apples being used as hedges (these plants are not native). Also planting not allowed in City right-of-way. Sod is limited to 20% of total area or 4,000 sq. ft. whichever is less. Mulch is not acceptable as a long-term solution to ground cover. Also be aware that shell, rock, & gravel may be considered developed area so watch out for coverage limits. Regarding the muck sediment deposits from the storm, use of heavy equipment is limited to those with development permits. SCCF’s Beach Planting Guide is recommended, Get it at It includes documentation on plants that did well after the storm.
FEMA Property Value Letters - City Manager Souza provided summary of letters City received February 14 letter from FEMA that disputed several area jurisdictions including Sanibel using County Tax Appraiser structure values for determining 50% rule for permits. It’s important for Sanibel to have FEMA blessing to continue getting our 25% reduction on flood insurance rates. 2 days later FEMA announced they were going to come & review files (common audit practice). Friday – conference call between the jurisdictions (Bonita, Ft Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel), County Tax Appraiser (Matt Caldwell) & FEMA reps (in Georgia). It is expected that maybe FEMA didn’t understand the local Save Our Homes exemption with Homesteading. Matt explained that thoroughly during this conference call. Sat – received another letter from FEMA that they understood & that Sanibel may continue using either the LeePA letter structure values or private appraisal.

Thanks to Sanibel Susan (Andrews) for the summary of the meeting.
Repeated information from our update last week:
Wander Map- Islanders and visitors to island businesses back in operation after Hurricane Ian has gone live on the Wander: Maps & Navigation app and website. Users can download the local app onto their smart device from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or access it online at
“We have literally put the status of Sanibel and Captiva businesses at your fingertips – whether they’ve reopened on-island or elsewhere such as Bell Tower,” said John Lai, chamber president and chief executive officer. “We have the great flexibility to make changes within minutes when we learn of a new business reopening, a change in hours, traffic glitches due to clean-up operations, and other new information in this ever-shifting post-hurricane world.” 
Rebuilding for Resilience: A Guide to Incentives is a booklet by SCCF with many ideas to help in the rebuilding process. 

Post Hurricane-Ian Replanting Guide - also produced by SCCF, this is a helpful resource for those intending to replant in their yards. 

City of Sanibel Permitting Process - For those who are entering or in the middle of the permitting process, you can check the status of your permits through this link to the city's permit portal.  Click on "search public records" and then enter your street address in the search box that appears. 
Sanibel Island Reporter/Islander - miss reading the local newspaper? It is available online using this link. 

Sanibel Public Library - Did you know you can now borrow tools from the library, a Dell laptop or mac computer, a mobile wifi hot spot, a GoPro camera, or reserve a meeting space? Card holders can do this and much more from 10am-3pm on weekdays. Find a detailed list here. 

Tell Your Story- Ken Burgener will be videorecording people telling their stories of staying on Sanibel/Captiva during Hurricane Ian. He will be recording at the Library's east side living room area (near the study rooms) on Thursday, February 23 starting at 10 am. Please contact Ken for more info: 1-954-766-2919


Moving Forward Updates from Fr. Bill

By Fr. Bill Van Oss December 20, 2023
Today's Excitement Dear Friends, Today was a day to celebrate! LCEC trucks arrived to install the new meter and energize it so the new HVAC system in the sanctuary can be started up! Then a couple hours later, we passed the City of Sanibel final inspection and we were given the Certificate of Completion; the final step in our permit process which started last May. We are very grateful to Councilwoman Holly Smith, City Manager Dana Souza and all the city and LCEC employees who assisted in these final steps and of course to all the FP workers and their subs for all their hard work these past several months and the Property Restoration Team; the working group was there to receive the good news today. We are very busy getting the spaces ready for opening weekend starting with our 4th Advent services this Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30am (livestreamed). Then we will have 3 Christmas Services at 4pm, 8pm (livestreamed) and 10:30am. Thanks to the volunteer teams who have been washing dishes in the kitchen, putting books on the bookshelf, hanging wreaths and a 100 other details. It is a stunningly beautiful space and we can't wait for all to experience it again for the first time in 15 months! Bill +
By Fr. Bill Van Oss December 13, 2023
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