by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Dear Friends,
Today we had a lunch for St. Michael's and Peace staff members and I shared that just like the Holy Family long ago, who were homeless and found a place to stay with a welcoming innkeeper, so too we were homeless and Peace opened their hearts and home to us. We remain very grateful for their gracious hospitality and look forward to worshipping together this weekend. A reminder that the 4pm Christmas Eve service is a combined service with Peace which follows the Lutheran Book of Worship and includes communion and Pastor Andreas preaching. The 8pm Christmas Eve service is the St. Michael's service which follows the Book of Common Prayer and includes communion. I will be preaching at this service. The 10 am Christmas Day service will be a Lessons and Carols service with communion and I will be delivering the message. The 8pm will be livestreamed by us, the other two services can be viewed on Peace Lutheran's YouTube channel.
Tomorrow there is a volunteer opportunity at the Gladiolus Food Pantry to help with their toy distribution from 1-3pm. Several St. Michael's people will be helping out starting at noon and more hands are always welcome. It will be held outdoors so dress accordingly.
You can read a good summary of where we are at in terms of the progress on the property from Chuck Ketteman in yesterday's
Red Door. As we approach the end of the year, please consider contributing to the St. Michael's Hurricane Relief Fund. All money raised at this point will go towards the rebuilding efforts of the church property. You can donate
here; or text SMAA IAN to 73256 (SMAA*space*IAN) (follow the instructions on the Text message you receive).
There is a great deal of information for residents, homeowners and condo renters that has been published in the past week, and it is included below for those who might find it helpful.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at our Christmas services;
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957