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Moving Forward Update #22

by Fr. Bill Van Oss

Dear Friends,
We had a very nice weekend in Palm Beach celebrating the installation of our dear friend Tim as Rector of Bethesda by the Sea Episcopal Church. It was also nice to be part of a clergy day of reflection at Day Spring today. Just a reminder that
Bishop Dabney Smith will be with us this Sunday at our 11:30am service and we will be joined by Rev. Jean Hite of St. Raphael's, Fort Myers Beach and members of that congregation. 

There will also be a Thanksgiving Day service at 10am and a brunch
to follow; but please RSVP to Susan Gonzalez or sign up this Sunday at coffee hour. Egg dishes will be provided and you can bring a simple side of fruit, breads, etc to share. Thanks to all for the donation of 11 turkeys and $2900 for the Gladiolus Food Pantry this past week. Information on Advent offerings will be coming in the Friday brief. 
Staff and Vestry will be invited to a tour of the property this Saturday morning. Details will be shared at the vestry meeting tomorrow when an update on the restoration will also be given. We will have an
All Parish Zoom next Monday, November 21 at 5pm to update everyone on what has been happening, show recent photos and share what the next steps are. The link for the zoom will be in Friday's brief. 

Housing:   Please email or text: 703-966-9474 If you have need of accommodations for a night or two or three while you check on your home or have a place to offer for a few nights. KC (Kara) Cuscaden is heading the effort for more long term housing. Please contact Deborah Larson and information will be relayed to KC.
Sanibel Information and Resources: 
(thanks to Susan Andrews for a thorough summary of each briefing) 

-The Sanibel Police Department announced a new initiative to support its effort to keep the community safe and secure. Beginning this week, a police blotter will be issued twice weekly to report real time law enforcement response to criminal activity.
East Periwinkle Bridge should be repaired and opened by Thanksgiving.
Comcast – VP Derek Cooper reported at yesterday's briefing that their restoration is ahead of schedule. Initial thought would have island service begin 12/16, now some areas will be on next week. They are not connecting those properties destroyed. Will issue new equipment if lost in storm (request by app, on line, in person). Comcast Wi-Fi van capable of supporting 1000 customers now set up just east of Tarpon Bay Rd. Will move around island as needed.
-Two City main priorities now are
debris pickup & permitting process.
Debris Management – Contact if you can’t get your debris to the curb. City is going to start cracking down on condo complexes & commercial establishments that are piling their debris on other properties. If they have insurance for removal, their restoration companies should be removing their debris.
Craig Mole, Sanibel new Building Dept Director – New on-line system is up. In last week, 135 permits have been submitted, 10 issued, 14 are ready to be issued, rest in review. Goal is to complete reviews in 5 business days. Trends are that building value letters (or appraisals) are missing. Be sure to include or have your contractor include. To see the fillable forms, go to, then Depts, then Bldg, then Bldg Div Forms.
Matt Caldwell, Lee County Property Appraiser (since 2020) -- His job is to assign a property value to each of the 550K parcels in the County on January 1 of each year. FEMA’s 50% rule process is up to each City to administer. If property is below floodplain, FEMA requires the property be brought up to Code if cost is more than 50% the building value. FEMA has five ways to determined that value. Recommended hiring personal private appraiser if the value shown on isn’t enough. Recognized that the County values were 10 months old when the storm hit. 
Routine Trash/Garbage Pickup has not resumed yet in all areas. Please bring your trash to the Recycling Center. Those dumpsters being emptied more often. Regular service to begin once more debris removed & utility vehicles done.
Mail Update – Postmaster will be at next meeting.
Delivery Vehicles – from FedEx, Amazon, etc. are allowed on island provided they can prove they have items to a deliver to specific addresses.
Beaches still essentially closed. No swim notice still applies. Still working with state Emergency Management Office on getting help cleaning beaches.
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Moving Forward Updates from Fr. Bill

By Fr. Bill Van Oss December 20, 2023
Today's Excitement Dear Friends, Today was a day to celebrate! LCEC trucks arrived to install the new meter and energize it so the new HVAC system in the sanctuary can be started up! Then a couple hours later, we passed the City of Sanibel final inspection and we were given the Certificate of Completion; the final step in our permit process which started last May. We are very grateful to Councilwoman Holly Smith, City Manager Dana Souza and all the city and LCEC employees who assisted in these final steps and of course to all the FP workers and their subs for all their hard work these past several months and the Property Restoration Team; the working group was there to receive the good news today. We are very busy getting the spaces ready for opening weekend starting with our 4th Advent services this Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30am (livestreamed). Then we will have 3 Christmas Services at 4pm, 8pm (livestreamed) and 10:30am. Thanks to the volunteer teams who have been washing dishes in the kitchen, putting books on the bookshelf, hanging wreaths and a 100 other details. It is a stunningly beautiful space and we can't wait for all to experience it again for the first time in 15 months! Bill +
By Fr. Bill Van Oss December 13, 2023
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