by Fr. Bill Van Oss
Dear Friends,
1. Another step in the recovery process of our beloved island is the
reopening of the causeway for residents and contractors with hurricane passes that happened this morning at 11:00am. Please read the details below for important information on the causeway opening and lots of resources for Sanibel residents.
2. I receive a
daily report from the restoration company
and it sounds from yesterday's report that things are proceeding quickly. They completed 4 trips with a large barge and had two planned today to complete the delivery of everything they need. They have met with LCEC and are getting an electrician over by the end of the week. They also have a company delivering daily fuel supply for their temporary power. All Electrical boxes, cables, and equipment was delivered. Personal protective gear/tools for 2+ weeks of work of initial salvage and removal was delivered as well.
Mobile Office- We welcomed parishioners this morning to our midweek Eucharist and then open office hours from noon-3pm today. We will continue this every Wednesday so feel free to stop by. Ring the door bell at the main doors at Peace, the door will be unlocked and then go to the front through the Good Samaritan fellowship hall to the Jericho Room where we will be set up.
Coming up at St. Michael's Mainland this week:
- 10:00am Bible Study via zoom,
ZOOM Meeting ID#: 930 4599 7623
- 1:00pm Vestry via zoom (link sent to members
- 6:00pm Compline via zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 83587572066
Phone-in (no video): 1-646-931-3860
Enter Meeting ID: 835 8757 2066
Prayer and Potluck Returns Wednesday November 2, 2022. I'm happy to announce that our 1st Wednesday Prayer and Potluck will resume in a couple weeks. We have also invited the folks at Peace to join us as well. The Hubbards will be hosting the annual brat night and those who are able should bring a side dish. Our mantra right now is "keep it simple" so the brats, buns, condiments, paper plates and forks will be provided, along with wine, juice and water. No beer will be served as that is not the tradition at Peace. We do ask that you PLEASE RSVP by October 30 so we know how many brats to purchase. You can do so by emailing, calling the office at 239-472-2173 or signing up at coffee hour the next two weeks.
6.Interfaith Prayer Vigil Saturday October 29
at 10am at Fort Myers Christian Church - outdoors, 5916 Winkler Road, Ft Myers, 33919. Join us as we gather our community together for a time of prayer and healing. All are welcome!
St. Michael's Hurricane Relief Fund- Thanks to all who have contributed and/or spread the word about the fund. A reminder to please write checks out to St. Michael and All Angels and then put Hurricane Relief in the memo line.
SMAA Temporary Housing update We are looking for HAVES and WANTS among our parishioners for TEMPORARY HOUSING. If you HAVE a spare room in your home, please provide your Name, Address, contact email and cell number and size of space and number of persons you can accommodate. Also, please state whether you will allow pets and how you feel about smokers. If you NEED temp housing, Please state your name, contact email and cell, the number of people in your group and approximately what your anticipated length of stay. (We realize that this will be difficult to estimate, but best guess will be fine.) Please email to: or please text to : 703-966-9474
As of October 14 we had three requests for far THREE to accommodate or house. Some have been “non SMAA” people. We are trying to accommodate our parishioners FIRST (for many reasons). Most hosts who have offered will not accept pets and smokers FYI. If you even have an extra room or a property that survived Ian(condo or home) that could house someone even for a short time, we do have a great need. Snowbirds, if you have not yet returned and your property is available, this is a perfect use for it! Many thanks in advance for your your kindness and generosity. If you have need of accommodations for a night or two or three while you check on your home, one of our parishioners can offer a room in their home in South Ft Myers. Please text or email Deborah Larson or text: 703-966-9474
Information and Resources:
1. Causeway: Beginning at 11:00am today, Wednesday, October 19, the emergency reentry plan established by the City of Sanibel will become effective. Until further notice, vehicular traffic over the causeway and bridge will be allowed as follows:
1.Law enforcement presence, Large construction vehicles traveling throughout island, LCEC bucket trucks restoring power poles and powerlines, 20 mph speed limit, Traffic congestion throughout Sanibel, Slow speeds through areas where essential personnel are working, Yield to emergency crews, Debris throughout the island, Bicyclists, low speed vehicles, and pedestrians in roadway, No food services, No gasoline stations, Displaced wildlife, Curfew 9:00pm – 6:00am.
2. Ding Darling published a comprehensive list of resources:
3. If you are arriving via boat and need to get into the water, please be aware of the bacteria that is presently in the water and has caused some to be hospitalized and unfortunately at least one death in the past week.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957