by Fr. Bill Van Oss
The “star word” I received on Epiphany Sunday is “motivate.” For those who might not be familiar with a star word, on Epiphany Sunday we handed out envelopes that contained a word written on a wooden star. Mine was “motivate.” We are encouraged to use the star word as a guide for the coming year, reflecting on it regularly, opening our heart to learn how the Spirit might be calling us to live into the word this coming year. We even received a booklet with suggestions to guide us. (If you would like a star word and booklet, contact Susan Gonzalez).
I like my star word. “Motivate” is related to “inspire,” and that it certainly what I am attempting to do much of the time. I have been thinking a lot about what motivates and inspires me. Last night I saw a story on the news about a man who lost his little dog in the rubble after the recent tornado. Neighbors and strangers came to his aid, searched the rubble, and found his missing dog (and I heard it was a member of this parish who found it!). The people who jump in to help after a disaster motivate me. We hear far too much about the bad things happening around us, we need to hear more about people loving their neighbor.
I hope I can motivate you to attend one of the Neighborhood Conversations we have scheduled this week and next week. (How’s that for a segue?) These are a chance to gather for fellowship, to hear a report of what’s going on at St. Michael’s and a bit about the 2022 budget. Dates and locations can be found in another article in this Friday Brief. Contact Susan Gonzalez to RSVP.
I also want to be sure you know about the Memory Café interfaith outreach project that was recently launched. Anne Kimball gave a wonderful announcement last Sunday, but very few people heard it due to the storm. Memory Café provides a supportive environment for individuals with memory impairment as well as their caregivers. More details can be found in another article in this Brief and on our website.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957