by Fr. Bill Van Oss
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” (Mt. 19:14) These words of Jesus were sounding in my head last Sunday afternoon as I looked around our parish hall. It was filled with children and adults who had come for Messy Church.
I watched the adult volunteers interacting with the kids, patiently showing them how to do a craft or play a game. I saw people in the kitchen scurrying about to prepare the simple supper. I noticed a group of fathers visiting with each other, a dad showing his young son how to glue popsicle sticks into a boat, an older girl carefully stringing beads into a bracelet. A smiling Ellen Lai carrying a baby… (that may have been the highlight)
The Kingdom of God is where each and every person feels valued and loved. That’s the kind of experience we want people to have at Messy Church and every time they step through the doors at St. Michael’s. We want people to meet Jesus who is love in the flesh. They encounter him though Bible stories, songs, a plate of macaroni, friendly smiles, patient assistance, a listening ear, an encouraging word and in so many other ways.
It's a difficult world to be a kid in these days. There is a lot of pressure to conform to the ways of the world. There is bullying. Kids are picked on for being different. When they come to St. Michael’s, we want them to know one thing: they are a beloved child of God, loved by God, loved by us. Period.
What a wonderful opportunity we have to love the little children. As Children’s Chapel begins this Sunday, let’s make every child (and adult) feel precious and valued. Let’s support these parents in their sometimes challenging job of raising their children in today’s world. Do not underestimate the impact that even a small gesture; a kind word, a smile can have on someone who is new and who might be feeling a little self-conscious.
They will come to know God’s love for them through our love for them.
Transforming Lives
through Christ
2304 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957